EKIZ Kematen

Die alte Website war bereits gut gestaltet und erhielt nur minimale Verbesserungen, um ihre Qualität zu bewahren. Sie zeigt Informationen zu den neuesten Aktivitäten und dem aktuellen Kursprogramm an. Neben der Online-Anmeldung für Kurse wurde die Buchung des EKIZ-Raums an bestimmten Terminen hinzugefügt.
Lutz Weinraritäten

The client wanted a webshop to promote and sell his old wines and wine rarities online. The landing page briefly introduces the wineshop and shows the products in different representations (e.g., by category, country, region, recommendation). The subpages consist of the product catalog with a search and multiple filtering options. The shop is based on […]
Volksbühne Pettnau

Der Kunde wollte eine neue Website mit einem frischen und modernen Design, um nützliche Informationen über den Verein, wie z.B. Mitglieder, Geschichte und ihre vergangenen, aktuellen und zukünftigen Vorstellungen, zu zeigen.
Jewelry Shop

This website was designed to show potential clients how a simple webshop can look like. On the landing page, a visitor can typically find different offers and provided services regarding payment and delivery, for example. The subpages consist of the product catalog (including filtering by the product category), product details, shopping cart, and checkout. The […]
Real Estate

This website was designed to show potential clients how a real estate website can look like. Already on the landing page, the visitor is taken by the hand to find his or her dream house. On the other pages, there are detailed descriptions about the properties and the real state agents. The website makes use […]
Blasmusikverband Telfs

The previous website was pretty outdated regarding the design and styles. It also run on an old and unsupported version of the CMS. Therefore, the client and I agreed on a complete redesign and to give it a modern and fresh touch. The website provides useful information about the association and its relative wind bands […]
Alexander’s Swing-Time Orchestra

As the big band Alexander’s Swing-Time Orchestra started their work in 2019, they needed a website in first place in order to spread their music and news to the public on the Internet. The website uses a standard band theme including an eye-catching landing page, a personal blog and an event schedule. There are pages […]
Healthy Lifestylers

This website was designed to show potential clients how a personal blog can look like. The blog consists of an image header followed by three featured posts. On the home page, I added a email subscription form and the most recent blog posts. On each page, there is a sidebar showing personal information, favorite posts, […]